Our Curriculum
Children learn best through first hand experiences, at Primrose Hill we pride ourselves in being able to provide experiences that will develop the whole child. We are so fortunate to have constant access to our wonderful outdoor facilities so children have the chance to learn and explore in the best way for them.
Our planning focuses on developing key skills and is guided by the Curricular Guidance for Pre-School Education which divides learning into 6 Areas of Learning.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
This is one of the key areas in developing your child as an independent team player. Throughout the year children will learn to develop independence in self care routines such as dressing independently. They will learn to follow routines, serve themselves snack and pour their own drinks. They will have an opportunity to learn how to share, make friends and work as a team.
Language Development
Throughout the year we will be developing pre writing and reading skills. We will work on our speaking and listening skills and gain confidence in speaking in front of an audience. We will have the opportunity to learn how to use books appropriately and to read a wide variety of different kinds of books. We will learn nursery rhymes and have opportunities to act out different stories and action songs.
Physical Development
This is a fundamental area of child development and one that we at Primrose Hill have been able to make a prime area of learning due to our wonderful facilities. By playing with the outdoor equipment they get to lift and roll equipment, splash in muddy puddles, run, ride bicycles, climb and much more. As a result, children have the opportunity to develop fine and gross motor skills. In addition to this, we ensure that our activities indoor also work on key skills, using scissors, threading, drawing and more.
Early Mathematical Experiences
Maths is all around us and children are natural mathematicians. At Primrose Hill it is very important to us to harness this inquisitiveness into how the world works. Children have early mathematical experiences developing spatial awareness and measuring quantities through water and sand provision. Construction with our building blocks and our tyres and planks allow children to explore size, shape and balance. Weekly cooking sessions allow the children to develop mathematics skills of measuring and change of state.
The Arts
Children are naturally creative and it is crucial for us to encourage these fundamental skills. Children will have the opportunities to experience all of the expressive arts. The Arts will run through all other areas of the learning to encourage creativity. Children will learn songs, action rhymes and explore musical instruments. They will have the opportunity to use puppets and role play and use a range of different art media.
The World Around Us
At Primrose Hill we encourage our children to explore the world around them. They will have the opportunity to learn about nature, garden, grow vegetables, learn about animals and develop their own interests.